You can make a difference. We can help.

A donation to New Horizons through a planned giving option provides you with peace of mind that your legacy will be fulfilled.

Who benefits from your support?

Among those served are the working poor, those temporarily or chronically homeless, the elderly living on fixed incomes, families struggling to make ends meet, individuals with problems related to alcohol or other substance. The common thread in each of their personal stories is that they are all people in need... of food, shelter, and someone to care.

We recognize and respect your privacy. If you are interested in providing for the less fortunate who are served at New Horizons, please contact Charlie Sherman, Executive Director at (603)668-1877 x114. Your information will remain confidential and will not be shared with any private or financial institution.

Our planned giving options:

  • Bequest
  • Life Insurance
  • Retirement Plan Assets
  • Other

You can also use this form to contact Charlie Sherman about any questions regarding this matter.

Legacy Contact Form
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